He is a prayer answerer.
I am so thankful for a Lord who is constantly providing. I have been praying for certain things for a year or more now, and although they weren't answered in a day like I would like, God has truly been growing me and stretching me in my faith and constantly helping me to have steadfastness. The Lord is continuing to answer prayers each and every day in my life and it is SO exciting to see the work He is doing!
I just wanted to share that and let you all know that GOD IS SO GOOD! And yeah, some days may be hard, and you might sometimes get frustrated that your prayers aren't being answered on your time, but they are being answered on His time, and that is the greatest thing that could ever happen for us.
He continually provides at the exact moment we need it most, and he is a way of supplying goodness to our lives at the most pivotal of times. He is our rock and our constant.
He knows the desires of our hearts, and when we are fully dependent on Him and not our own timing, He provides in ways we could not have even imagined.
Thank you Lord for constantly reminding me of how BIG You are! You are a Lord that can do immeasurably more, and help me to remember that each and every day.
"He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just us he."
-Deuteronomy 32:4
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