Wednesday, February 27, 2013

consume me.

My life is not perfect whatsoever. I have been reminded lately how sinful and imperfect I am. I have had different experiences happen in my life where I realized that I obsess and get upset over the most ridiculously minute things. It's pointless. Why do I make school my life? Why do I care so much about certain friendships?

I look at these things and realize that instead of making God my number one, I make the things that don't matter my number one. Why? Why do I idolize stupid things like grades? Where will that get me in the long run?

The act of idolizing certain things has really been brought to my attention over the last few days. I have realized that being here in college has started to make me to begin obsessing over petty things like a homework assignment, or getting worked up over a test. In reality, I should remember that God works for the good of those who make Him number one in their lives.

I need to remember to make God my all. Lord, I ask that you consume me. Become my life! Nothing else matters. As I strive to become more like you, I should know that you have got my back. You have a plan for me. Although grades seem important, it is because the world perceives them to be that way. I need to remember to not live a worldly life, looking no different that any nonbeliever. You must be my everything. Every situation in my life is covered by Your hand and has a purpose. Let me remember this when I don't make the grade I wish I had on a test. God you are good, and You will do good in my life if I always set my eyes on You.

This lesson I have learned relates perfectly to the verse I memorized last week. God knew then that I would need this encouragement today and every day. Thank you God for preplanning my life and working constantly to build me up. I will leave you with the verse, so that if you are ever in the situation I am in today, you will remember to set your eyes on the goodness of God, and He will consume your thoughts. Consume you emotions. Consume your life.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
-Philippians 4:8

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