Monday, March 11, 2013


Lately I have started to notice how compartmentalized we are as a society. From our school lives, to your work lives, to our spiritual lives, we are always striving to live each and every part of our lives separate. I believe that the one we most struggle to make a part of each area of our lives is Jesus.

The thing is, I completely understand it. I am not here saying I am better than anyone else, because I do it too. But what can we do to change it? Each day I go to class, sitting by random people and making small talk to pass the time until the professor begins to speak. "What are your plans this weekend? What are you doing over Spring Break? How are you liking this semester?" These are questions my random classmates and I will exchange back and forth in an effort to make conversation.

What I am wondering is why don't I make a conscious effort to create spiritual conversations out of those awkward questions? Sometimes I will talk to people about where I go to church or a Bible study I will be attending that night, but why don't I ever dig deeper? And right there is how I believe we change it. We have the desire in us that we WANT to dig deeper. We begin to subconsciously dig deeper and have spiritual talks that matter with people.

Whether it be a random classmate or a friend you have known for years, don't be afraid to have a deep conversation with someone about Jesus. Yeah it can be awkward, and you might know how to bring it up, but just know that He has your back. If you are working for Him and possibly bringing others to salvation, He will work for you and in the moment when you have no idea what to say, He will help you out.

So remember this, next time you are in a class or office or even a store, talk about what matters most. Because what you're doing this weekend, or how you're enjoying your job is no where near as important as how your relationship with your Creator is. I must continue to remember this as I walk through life, and I hope that some of you would grasp it and take it along into your future as well.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes; first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." 
--Romans 1:16

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