Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Back in the States

Over half of Spring Break and all of last week I was given the opportunity to serve the Lord in Cuba. It was definitely a very life-changing experience. Over the next few days, I will be sharing things that happened each and every day while on the trip, like people I met and places I went. Also the ways God worked in my life while over there. Right now though, I just wanted to share my thoughts as I make the transformation back from Cuban lifestyle, to being here in the USA.

Although I was only in Cuba for a week, it felt like Cuba had become my home. I got so accustomed to the way I was living my life there, and the best part was how dependent I was on God in that time. Being back in the States has definitely been somewhat of a struggle for me. Although I am super thankful for toilet seats and water I can drink, I miss the sweet Cuban people who were so loving and accepting they even called me their family. I miss how willing the people were to open up their doors and invite me into their homes to preach the Gospel with them. Today I am in America, on my MacBook Pro, about to attend a college class that will further my career, and although I am blessed with these materials and experiences, my heart is still in Cuba. Thriving off of the memories I made while I was there.

Yes this time last week I was in a strangers home in Cuba presenting God's truth and telling them the Good News the Bible provides up. But this week is a new week. I am in the USA, my home, and I am here for a reason. I am here because God wants me here, on the campus of Texas A&M, to make a difference in the lives of the people HERE. My mission field last week was Cuba, but today it is College Station, TX, and I need to remember that as I am transitioning back from Spring Break.

I am reminded today to pray constantly, stay in the Word, and seek the lost. And I would encourage you all to do the same. Don't let what happened to you last month, last week, or yesterday determine the way you share the Gospel to those who need it so desperately today. I pray that we would be people who present the truth of God often, not because of anything we do, and not to build us up, but to seek and save the lost, and build up the Kingdom of God.

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